Category: Kids Stuff

The Invisible Shield of our Sun

  LL Orionis and its heliosphere interacting with interstellar gas and plasma near the edge of the Orion Nebula (M42). Image Credit: Hubble Heritage Team (AURA / STScI), C. R. O’Dell (Vanderbilt), and NASA. By Dr. Ethan Siegel Whether you look at the planets within our solar system, the stars within our galaxy or the …

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A Glorious Gravitational Lens

Abel 2218—a gravitationally-lensed cluster of galaxies that is a great target for deep-sky astrophotograhy. Image credit: NASA, ESA, and Johan Richard (Caltech). Acknowledgement: Davide de Martin & James Long (ESA/Hubble). By Dr. Ethan Siegel As we look at the universe on larger and larger scales, from stars to galaxies to groups to the largest galaxy …

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The Hottest Planet in the Solar System: Space Place

Image credit: NASA’s Pioneer Venus Orbiter image of Venus’s upper-atmosphere clouds as seen in the ultraviolet, 1979   By Dr. Ethan Siegel   When you think about the four rocky planets in our Solar System—Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars—you probably think about them in that exact order: sorted by their distance from the Sun. It …

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