Category: Kids Stuff

What’s It Like Inside Mars? : By Jessica Stoller-Conrad

Caption: An artist’s illustration showing a possible inner structure of Mars. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech   Mars is Earth’s neighbor in the solar system. NASA’s robotic explorers have visited our neighbor quite a few times. By orbiting, landing and roving on the Red Planet, we’ve learned so much about Martian canyons, volcanoes, rocks and soil. However, …

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Measuring the Movement of Water on Earth : By Teagan Wall

An artist’s rendering of the twin GRACE-FO spacecraft in orbit around Earth. Credit: NASA   As far as we know, water is essential for every form of life. It’s a simple molecule, and we know a lot about it. Water has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It boils at 212° Fahrenheit (100° Celsius) …

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What Is the Ionosphere? By Linda Hermans-Killiam

High above Earth is a very active part of our upper atmosphere called the ionosphere. The ionosphere gets its name from ions—tiny charged particles that blow around in this layer of the atmosphere. How did all those ions get there? They were made by energy from the Sun! Everything in the universe that takes up …

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