CosmoQuest Needs Your Help!!!

24-Hour Hangout-a-thon is here

Faced with governmental funding cuts to science education and research, we have decided to go old school with a twist: On June 15-16, we are hosting a telethon using Google Hangout on Air – a Hangout-a-thon – to raise money to support public engagement in science.

[ Read more on the Blog ]  [ RSVP or Share the Event on G+ here ]

This event will be hosted by Drs. Pamela Gay and Nicole Gugliucci. Confirmed guests include (incomplete list):

We’ll continue to announce guests as they are confirmed.

You don’t have to wait until June 15-16 to start giving! Make your donation (tax deductible in the US where laws allow) through PayPal today!


Why Citizen Science?

We are continuing our survey of your use of CosmoQuest! This will help us contribute to the research on citizen science motivations as well as serve you better as a community. Why are you here? How often do you do citizen science? What keeps you doing science? Help us get a large survey response by contributing on our Survey form and sharing the link with other users! Thank you for helping us do yet more science.