Join our club—
We recommend light bending nightly.
Meteors explode high above the Earth. Comets exhale dusty, million-mile-long tails while hurtling towards the Sun. Galactic collisions rip stellar systems to shreds of stardust. Oh, and don’t forget the Big Bang….
These aren’t scenes from Hollywood’s latest action flick. The drama of the universe plays nightly over your backyard. All it takes to enjoy the show is a little skill and maybe some modest optical equipment. Popcorn is optional.
While often exciting, astronomy is also a peaceful, deeply meaningful, and some might say spiritual pursuit, a search for a “cosmic connection”—reaching out from our tiny blue world to try and grasp our place in the universe.
The thrilling WOW! of a child’s first glimpse of Saturn through a telescope as well as quiet, personal moments are among the many rewards of amateur astronomy. The River Bend Astronomy Club aims high to make your pursuit as rewarding as possible.
Anyone interested in learning more about astronomy may join. Expensive tools or special skills are unnecessary. But space is a big place—it helps to know someone with a road map. Members have maps, and they’ll gladly show you around the sky—plus you’ll enjoy sharing great sky views using quality astronomical telescopes. Besides, it’s more fun to share the night together (and having a friend close by helps ward off night-feeding hungry bears, surprise alien attacks, etc.) Our membership fees are $40 per year for adults( non-student 18 and older) and $20 per year for Students.
Through club membership, you join the Astronomical League, a national federation of over 240 local astronomy societies. The League’s many special programs and quarterly newsletter will enrich your hobby.
Members receive the quarterly Reflector, published by the Astronomical League.
We meet monthly, observe regularly, e-mail news and quips constantly, and generally have a good time. Won’t you join us?
Please read the club By-Laws available (HERE) for download.
If you prefer you can download the application, fill it out and mail it.