Mystery of Strange Star Outbursts May Be Solved

by Charles Q.  Choi, Contributor


Scientists have detected what appears to be a stellar outburst from a pair of stars locked in a cosmic tryst within a shared veil of gas, a find that marks the first discovery of a long-sought type of space eruption.

Most outbursts from stars are lumped into two categories — novas or supernovas. A nova is a thermonuclear explosion from a white dwarfstar driven by fuel piled on from a companion star. Novas do not result in the destruction of their stars, but supernovas do.

Supernovas, which are bright enough to briefly outshine all the stars in their galaxies, happen in two known ways — type Ia supernovas occur after a white dwarf dies from gorging on too much fuel from a companion star, while type II supernovas take place after the core of a star runs out of fuel, collapses into an extraordinarily dense nugget in a fraction of a second, and then bounces and blasts outward.

However, over the years, scientists have recognized another class of outbursts that are brighter than novas but dimmer than supernovas. Investigators called these mysterious events intermediate-luminosity red transients, or ILRTs. [Top 10 Star Mysteries]

Now, researchers suggest the culprits behind these enigmas may lurk behind shrouds of gas.

“I find it extremely exciting that we have explained a class of events that previously no one knew what they were,” study lead author Natasha Ivanova, an astrophysicist at the University of Alberta in Canada, told “That does not happen very often in science.”


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Its not looking good for the Aurora Hunters 🙁

NOAA forecasters estimate a 10% chance of M-class solar flares and a mere 1% chance of  X-flares today. The probable source would be sunspot AR1660, which is almost directly facing Earth.


In Orion, There Really is a Hole in the Sky

by Fraser Cain on January 23, 2013

Setting the Dark on Fire
A new image from ESO’s APEX instrument shows a cloud of gas and dust in the  Orion region. Image credit: ESO

When astronomers see dark regions in nebula in visible light, they know  there’s something going on. There’s got to be some kind of star forming activity  pumping out material that obscures the view to the newly forming starts. Switch  to infrared and you can peer through that intervening dust to see the young  stars at work.

Astronomers using the European Southern Observatory’s Atacama Pathfinder  Experiment (APEX) telescope in Chile were surprised to see a dark region in the  nebula NGC 1999, even in infrared, when the cause of the dark region should have  been apparent.

Ooo, mystery.

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