The eclipse will be a deep 54% partial eclipse for our location.

First Quarter Moon Day canceled for August 21, 2023.

**The First Quarter Moon Day telescope viewing for August 21 is cancelled.**

We hoped to power through and view the sky this evening but the heat and humidity and poor air quality have made conditions hazardous and the sky opaque. Please be safe and we’ll try again on Monday, September 25th.

Monthly Telescope Viewing Now Offered

The River Bend Astronomy Club received permission from the Glik Company to host MONTHLY telescope viewing at the Highland (Illinois) NorthTown shopping center! We will set up between the two NorthTown signs and along Rt. 143 on the days and times listed below. All the days are Mondays (or Moon-days) except for the International Observe the Moon Night in October which is on a Saturday. We start in August with a 25% illuminated Moon and Saturn that rises shortly after sundown. Hope to see you there!