Eyes on the Sky: Oct 28 thru Nov 3


Japanese ‘Space Cannon’ On Track For Aiming At An Asteroid: Reports

Painting of Asteroid 2012 DA14. © David A. Hardy/www.astroart.org

Painting of Asteroid 2012 DA14. © David A. Hardy/www.astroart.org

Watch out, asteroid 1999 JU3: you’re being targeted. As several media reports reminded us, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)’s Hayabusa-2 asteroid exploration mission will carry a ‘space cannon’ on board — media-speak for the “collision device” that will create an artificial crater on the asteroid’s surface.

via Japanese ‘Space Cannon’ On Track For Aiming At An Asteroid: Reports.

Eyes on the Sky: Oct 21 thru Oct 27
