The Arietids will peak on June 7, 2023

The Arietids meteor shower will peak on June 7, 2023, but this is a daytime meteor shower so only a few predawn meteors might be visible, so why not use radio astronomy to listen to them!

Follow the video link below to the scheduled live stream , using what is referred to as meteor scatter we will be live streaming a way to listen to the meteor shower.

When a meteor enters the Earth’s upper atmosphere it excites the air molecules, producing a streak of light and leaving a trail of ionization behind it kilometers long. This ionized trail may persist for less than 1 second up to several minutes, occasionally. This trail is capable of reflecting radio waves from transmitters located on the ground, similar to light reflecting from a mirrored surface. Meteor radio wave reflections are also called meteor scatter, or pings.
In order to listen to meteor Scatter, you need a powerful transmitter in VHF band located not too close but not too far from you, we are using the video sync signal from a TV station in Canada, an Off Center Fed Dipole antenna, and a USB Software Defined Radio receiver.