3 Jupiter Moons Perform Celestial Shadow Dance Next Week

Jupiter's Moons Triple Shadow Transit of June 3, 2014

In this computer simulation, three of Jupiter’s moons cast their shadows on the face of Jupiter as they will appear on the afternoon of June 3.
Credit: Starry Night Software

Three of Jupiter’s moons will cast their dark shadows on the face of the giant planet Tuesday (June 3), but you might need a computer in order to see it.

Most owners of small telescopes enjoy watching the dance of Jupiter’s four largest moons, first observed by Galileo in 1609. As these moons circle Jupiter, they often pass in front of the giant planet, casting their tiny shadows on its face. Although these shadows are very small, they are also intensely black, appearing like tiny drops of ink on the bright surface of Jupiter’s cloud deck.

via 3 Jupiter Moons Perform Celestial Shadow Dance Next Week.

Eyes on the Sky: May 26 thru Jun 1


We’ll Find Alien Life in This Lifetime, Scientists Tell Congress | Space.com

Arecibo's 305-Meter Telescope

SETI uses the Arecibo’s 305-meter telescope — the largest in the world — to scan the sky for signals from alien civilizations all year round 

Credit: Arecibo Observatory/NSF

Humans have long wondered whether we are alone in the universe. According to scientists working with the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute, the question may be answered in the near future.

“It’s unproven whether there is any life beyond Earth,” Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, said at a House Committee on Science, Space and Technology hearing Wednesday (May 21). “I think that situation is going to change within everyone’s lifetime in this room.”

Scientists search for life beyond Earth using three different methods, Shostak said.

via We’ll Find Alien Life in This Lifetime, Scientists Tell Congress | Space.com.